image ©Maxim Nikolaev
OpenMW 0.45.0 Released! 2019-03-28 - lysol

The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.45.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. This release brings yet another horde of bug fixes and several new features, including support for per-group KF animation replacers, 360° screenshots, and the ability to brew a whole stack of a potion at once.

If you haven’t tried OpenMW out already, now is the big chance! Bethesda’s free giveaway of Morrowind got extended, so you are still able to get Morrowind for free until March 31st!

Check out the release video and the OpenMW-CS release video by the illustrious Atahualpa, and see below for the full list of changes.

Known Issues:

New Features:

New Editor Features:

Bug Fixes:

Editor Bug Fixes:


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Greetings! We just want to inform you all that OpenMW version 0.45 is finally in RC phase, which means it will soon™ be released to you all.

One important thing, just so you don’t get too excited just yet: neither shadows nor recastnavigation (better AI pathfinding, basically) will be included in the release, even though we all hoped so before. Don’t get too sad though, because recastnavigation is actually merged in master. This means that you can try it out already today in the latest nightlies! The implementation of shadows is not merged yet however, and it is very hard to say exactly when it will get merged, but probably quite soon™. Some bugs take longer time than you might expect before they are solved.

So why were recastnavigation not included in 0.45 then? Basically, it is such a huge update that we need to test it thoroughly before it can get included in a stable release. The alternative would have been to delay the release of 0.45, but that release is so huge already that we still want to get it out for you all. If you do test the implementation of recastnavigation in a nightly, be sure to report any bugs you find!

Otherwise, have a little more patience and you’ll have a new OpenMW version soon.

Until next time!

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Just a heads up to let everyone know that there might be some ‘downtime’ as we transition to new infrastructure. This will happen Sunday around 17:00 GMT and hopefully no one will notice a thing. If they do, they will notice something like:

Feel free to join us on IRC or Discord.

Our longtime comrade, developer and infrastructure admin lgromanowski is stepping down due to time constraints and has asked me (psi29a) and pvdk to take over the reigns of keeping the lights on for OpenMW. Please join us in thanking him for all his hard work keeping things humming along, paying the bills for hosting and donating his time to the project. Thanks Lgro! :)

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Update: Transition happened without a hitch. Thank you again Lgro!

TES3MP 0.7.0 pre-released 2018-10-09 - DestinedToDie

Version 0.7.0 of TES3MP, a fork of OpenMW that provides players with multiplayer experience, has been pre-released! Full details and download here. But in short, what’s so good about this? Well, for starters, here are a few new features to pique your interest:

– Custom spells, potions and enchantments can now be created through regular gameplay, and their details are sent to other players on a need-to-know basis, preventing unnecessary packet spam.
– Spells cast through items are now synchronized.
– On strike enchantments are now partially synchronized.
– Weather is now fully synchronized, with sudden transitions when teleporting to other areas and gradual transitions when walking across regions.

If you want to experience Morrowind with friends and strangers, come join us!

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OpenMW 0.44.0 Released! 2018-07-29 - raevol

The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.44.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. This release brings a slew of new features and bug fixes, including a search bar for spells, a tab for advanced settings in the launcher, and multiple quicksaves.

Check out the release video and the OpenMW-CS release video by the perspicacious Atahualpa, and see below for the full list of changes.

Known Issues:

New Features:

Bug Fixes:

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