I had unexpected computer problems last week and I’m trying to make this post cover two weeks…
Scrawl finished work on the spell creation feature. Thanks to his good program planning at least part of the spell creation code can be reused for the enchanting feature.
gus worked on the traveling feature. He made a GUI which displays prices and you can now travel between places.
pvdk altered the launcher’s data files tab. It uses a new model, but we unfortunately don’t yet have support for multiple esx files in the engine!
Cory Cohen is working on the ESMTool. It displays human readable labels and it also provides record dumping with more details.
Greye made minor changes to the ESMStore. It nows allows storing additional records not loaded from esm/p files, but created in game, with the ability to modify these records. One situation where this is needed is during character creation, where the player decides his/her character’s race.
Zini fought/is fighting with non-standard GCC extensions. He also enabled C++11 mode for compiler flags, but at the moment it’s nothing more than an interesting detail. Standard coding for OpenMW is still the de facto of C++03. When C++11 is supported by the main compilers, then we’ll add support for it. This means the earliest we’ll see C++11 in OpenMW is the second half of 2013.
Did you notice the tag cloud on the right? Scrawl, zini and the rest of the development team are now not only programmers, but also tags! Funny!