Physics improvement

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Re: Physics improvement

Post by jhooks1 »

Oh, I thought they could rotate by x and y for player levitation and swimming. I just fired up morrowind though and the normal walking animation plays while the position moves up. So you are right, and I will correct this.

Does this limitation also happen with creatures?
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Re: Physics improvement

Post by sirherrbatka »


The only case when creature or npc is rotated is when it dies in water.

Glad that you were able to solve the problem :)
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Joined: 06 Aug 2011, 21:34

Re: Physics improvement

Post by jhooks1 »

Before the npc/creature collision shape work can be merged into master I need to remove all the old kinematic controller and actor physics code. Also need to set the player position back to (0, 0, 0).

For the past few days I have been working hard on correcting the stair issue. People have complained in the past about certain staircases not being climbable in openmw. The reason for this has to do with snapping and also 2-4 other bad lines of code. Once you turn off snapping and change those lines openmw acts exactly like Project Aedra in physics (every staircase climbable, if the player has accelerated up to speed). But that leaves us without snapping and the character flies about and falls down staircases.

I am making progress on getting all stairs working in openmw with snapping on. An example staircase with the problem is the one in the room of "Favel Ancestral Tomb" by the ghost. The problem lies with the final step, this step is flat and there is a plane above it. The height between the top step and plane is typically 25. Changing the step size to 25 lets us climb this most of the time with snapping.

I believe Morrowind's step size is much higher than 25, I can climb right on top of the treasure chest in Beshara with ease (on the platform near the entrance). This particular chest has a height of ~30.

I had changed my mind about trying to move to another physics system. At this point, judging by certain things I have seen while messing around with morrowind and playing skyrim I think "snapping" is actually the right thing to do. Snapping will always break down given enough forward velocity though. If you go to the top of a staircase in Skyrim, Markarth and shout "Whirlwind Sprint" your character will travel straight off like its not even there (and most likely die).
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