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OpenMW Debug Cell

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 18:46
by lgromanowski
pvdk wrote: Hey guys.

I've been working on a debug cell which I'd like to show you. It's completely free of copyrighted (read: Bethesda) material. So far I have a crypt and parts of a cavern connected to it. It contains creatures, dynamic lights, scripted objects, doors, containers, particle effects, water, misc items, semitransparent objects and more.

This is how it looks in MW so far:
(Sorry for destroying your layout)








raevol wrote: Nice work! I remember reading about the need for one of these a while back, good to see someone followed up.
Vance987 wrote: YAYSS!!! Awesome work.
sir_herrbatka wrote: sadly lights are not working in this version of openmw
Guest wrote: Ah, yeah, I probably should have made a Topic about that debug cell on these nice shiny new forums, right? My bad :D

Anyways, thanks for the work PVDK!

If you want to check your plugin against the rather lengthy list of requirements, here's a few links:
The original request
Greendogo wrote: The above post was me, and since I wasn't logged in when I posted it, I can't edit it. Why are guests even allowed to post?

Anyway, I found the other link I was looking for:
The Google Groups Topic
pogzy wrote: Yes, nice work that will be very useful in time.

Furthermore, we should find some ideas to keep the project attractive to possible contributors that do not still know OpenMW. I think coders (I think I can tell I am a coder) will probably wait for the C++ port to be more advanced to participate, but it could be very useful to be attractive for modders, artists, music maker etc.

How can we get new contributors in a way they can start something now that will be useful to the project, Hum may be a tracking system could help...
pvdk wrote:
Guest wrote:Anyways, thanks for the work PVDK!

If you want to check your plugin against the rather lengthy list of requirements...
No problem :) I made the mod with those requirements in mind, and I've met alot of them already. The cavern is coming along quite nicely too. Progress is slow however because I can't do the modding on my own machine, as TESCS fails to run in VirtualBox and crashes with Wine.

I'll try to load my mod in OpenMW v. 0.6 so you guys can see what that looks like.
pvdk wrote: Hey guys.

A little update on the Debug Cell: I've been working on the cave part of the cell. The cell is nearing completion and it will be available for downloading (and editing for that matter) as soon as I figure out all the permissions/licencing etc.

For now, screens:












nicolay wrote: Great work! I can't wait to try it out in OpenMW!