image ©Maxim Nikolaev
OpenMW 0.29.0 Released 2014-03-13 - raevol

The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.29.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. This release includes the first implementation of the Save/Load feature, which catapults OpenMW closer to being completely playable. Please bear in mind that the save file format is not yet finalized and we cannot guarantee forward compatibility of save files until OpenMW 1.0. Some aspects of the game state, such as player controls being enabled/disabled, weather, some creature state including all magic (also used by NPCs), movement of objects between cells (except for the player), and fog of war are not currently saved. Other new features include more combat AI, blocking, area magic, and disease. OpenMW is becoming a hazardous place to be!

Check out the release video by the irrepressible WeirdSexy:

Known Issues:


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