The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.16.0! Release packages for Ubuntu are now available via our Launchpad PPA. Release packages for other platforms are available on our Download page.This version includes the Spell Window, Alchemy Window, and a myriad of fixes and improvements.
A release video by our very own WeirdSexy can be viewed here:
Please review the following:
Known Issues:
Some objects/models show up with completely black textures. Use OpenGL as your renderer or disable shaders under [Objects] in the config file.
Inputting player -> addspell -NonExistingSpell- makes the command window throw “Error in framelistener: object -NonExistingSpell- not found” continuously. It will also prevent you from moving.
Added Spell Window
Added Alchemy Window
Added support for x.y script sytax
Weapon and spell icons now update to reflect the selected weapon and spell
Added in-game settings window
Launcher now saves user-set renderer settings
Fixed a crash on OSX due to underwater effets
Fixed auto-equipping not working in some cells
Fix for container GUI ignoring disabled inventory menuBug #294: Container GUI ignores disabled inventory menu
Fix for stats review dialog showing all skills and attribute values as 0
Fixes for several crashes
Implemented game modes as a stack to prevent erratic behavior
Added tooltips to class creation dialog
Added support for show/hiding windows by clicking HUD elements
Added support for corect player direction after using a Teleport Door
Added support for selecting objects in the console by clicking them in the scene
Added support the use of = as a synonym for ==
Sped up script object access
Restructured enabling/disabling of objects by script instruction
Integrated ogre.cfg file in settings file
Auto-close windows if a related MW-reference is no longer available