image ©Maxim Nikolaev
Week in Review 2012-07-16 - sir_herrbatka

Curse you, oh glorious sun! Vacations are not conducive to developing Free Software…

The programmers are still working, but the rapidity of new features being added has dropped and we have nothing shiny to show off this week. Progress is being made in technical aspects of the project and it’s good to explain these things from time to time.

OpenMW is a far more modern engine than Morrowind and Scrawl continues working on his shader system. Our engine uses shaders in rendering terrain, which should prove a more efficient method then the old Morrowind’s.

Chris is improving the handling of the nif file format. This is a prerequisite before we can finally animate meshes, and anything else related to nifnodes, correctly.

Zini is working on potions usage now that the possibility of creating potions has been recently added. It’s a small fragment of Morrowind gameplay, but this “step by step” method is what will allow us to finish the gigantic task that is OpenMW 1.0.

Ingredients usage was planned, but we still don’t have the right formulas, so that needs to wait a moment. No worries, the researchers are working on the formula as we speak.

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