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Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 14 Sep 2011, 21:36
by raevol
Hey guys- we've hit a snag with the 0.11.1 release. We need a new Linux builder. Is anyone available to take on that task? I would do it myself, but I unfortunately don't have the technical know-how to set up a build environment and make a package.

Anyone? Anyone?

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 19 Sep 2011, 10:51
by Zini
Does not look like we are going to find someone on short notice. Since building on Linux is rather trivial, I suggest we go ahead without Linux packages for 0.11.1 (we definitely have to find a builder for 0.12.0 though). Any objections?

I am officially pissed now. No contributor has any obligation to stick with the project. We aren't paying them after all. But if someone involved into the release process announces his resignation the moment the release process is started, that is just rude. Happened the second time now.

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 19 Sep 2011, 14:27
by pvdk
Yeah I agree. We didn't have an x86 .deb package for 0.10 and I didn't hear any complaints.

Too bad the problems with 0.11 weren't over when I fixed the launcher. I hoped we would have a release within a day or so, but no :)

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 00:45
by raevol

If I find the time I will figure out how to build a .deb. It's something I've wanted to know how to do for years now. If I do that, I'll write up a guide that other people can follow.

But we really do need someone who already knows how to do it. Me fumbling around isn't going to speed any release up.

Zini, should I upload the PC and Mac builds to the google code page?

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 08:18
by Zini
Yes. Please re-start the release process.

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 08:37
by raevol
You really want me to get new builds from the builders? not use the 0.11.1 ones that I have?

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 08:43
by Zini
No. Sorry for the misunderstanding. The packages you got are still good. We just need the rest of the release process: upload, announcement posts on the forum and elsewhere.

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 20 Sep 2011, 11:12
by Zini
But we really do need someone who already knows how to do it. Me fumbling around isn't going to speed any release up.
Well, we have rather detailed and mostly up to date build instructions on the wiki: ... ment_Setup

Making a .deb should work automatically under cmake. So far the theory.

In practise things look a bit more complicated. We need a .deb file for 32 bit and 64 bit. After building these must be tested for correctness. And in some case changes in OpenMW will require adjusting the package making instructions in the cmake file. There is a reason why on most larger projects the package maintainers are not the same people as the developers. These tasks require somewhat different skillsets.

If you want to try doing the .deb packages for 0.12.0 I am okay with that. But I advice that you familiarise yourself with the whole packaging topic and not just follow some cookbook type instruction list.

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 26 Dec 2011, 23:19
by Draygera
I personally think that building for the Linux systems is actually very important because when this project is finished, this could be considered one of the biggest gaming milestones in the history of Linux gaming because this would be one of the first BIG commercial games with huge popularity, despite its age, to have a Linux native port. Id and Epic did good, but that's only a small part of the community.

Anyone else agree? There's not enough commercial games having full Linux support.

Re: Linux Builder Needed

Posted: 26 Dec 2011, 23:30
by Zini

Well, actually building was never an issue, since right from the beginning we had more developers working on Linux than on any other platform. What we meant was packaging. Luckily we found a very competent (and so far also reliable) packager a while back.